Bee Pot
There is a pot in the garden and I just liked the way one of the characters on it came to life in black and white
This looks a little bit sinister but it is the bud from one of our alliums just before it flowered. It reminded me of the film Alien
Red & Yellow
I just love the simplicity of colours and shadow from one of the tulips in our garden during lockdown.
I remember making this picture on what was one of the warmest days in lockdown. The dew had created drops of water on the petals but two minutes later they were gone
Tulip Stamens
Did a bit of post-processing with this one to create a mix of colour and mono. Probably my favourite lock-down picture.
This was an hour spent waiting for the light to be at its best. In fairness I did have a beer so the wait wasn't too hard but I do like the way it turned out.
Love the colour in the middle of the tulip. It’s either a sunburst or a fried egg!
Spring was turning into summer and I love the way the tulip on the right looks like its trying it’s trying to force its way into the picture
This looks like it could be a field in France but it’s a little pot on the table in my garden. Lavender is just beautiful and lasts for ages
Raindrops on Tulip
Just loved the way the light was shining through the tulip and the background was so dark
Tulip Stamens 1